Spencer Abraham brings over 30 years of extensive government experience in matters involving energy, technology, tax policy, defense and national security, immigration, corporate governance, and homeland security to Blank Rome Government Relations LLC. He is the former U.S. Secretary of Energy and a former U.S. Senator from Michigan. He is also the chairman and CEO of The Abraham Group, an international strategic consulting firm based in Washington, D.C.
As America’s tenth Energy Secretary, Secretary Abraham began his tenure in 2001 in the midst of a severe energy crisis that included the California blackouts, declining domestic energy supplies, and insufficient international energy trade opportunities. In response, he helped President George W. Bush devise a national energy plan and oversaw its implementation. As part of this plan, he led efforts to broaden America's international energy partnerships, working with China, Japan, Russia, the EU, countries in South America and Africa, and certain OPEC nations. Secretary Abraham has been a close observer of world energy markets, and under his leadership, the Department of Energy (“DOE”) conducted a number of important short and long-term studies of world oil, gas, electricity, and other markets.
Domestically, he spearheaded the DOE’s high-tech efforts in the areas of hydrogen fuel cell research, the development and expansion of clean coal technology programs, and the reemergence of safe nuclear power. According to the Presidential Management Agenda scorecard, the DOE went from “worst to first” of well-run agencies under Secretary Abraham’s leadership.
In commenting on his tenure as Secretary of Energy, The Washington Times sang his praises, writing that he "inherited a large and unwieldy agency in post-Cold War drift. He bequeaths [his successor] something much better. Mr. Abraham led his agency with distinction and high integrity." Faced almost immediately with the energy and safety issues of the post-9/11 world, Secretary Abraham distinguished himself by revitalizing and refocusing the DOE on the new homeland security challenges our country faced. He saw to the safety of America's nuclear stockpiles while he played a key international role by dramatically expanding the DOE's focus on nuclear nonproliferation programs, negotiating with Russia and other former Soviet states. He created new safeguarding plans that The Washington Post called "great gifts to the nation from Abraham."
Prior to serving as Secretary of Energy, Spence Abraham was a U.S. Senator from Michigan. In the Senate he was a member of the Commerce and Judiciary Committees where he played a key role in sponsoring a number of bills which helped formulate the framework for e-commerce activities including the e-signature legislation. He also served on the Senate Budget Committee and Small Business Committee.