Blank Rome is well-positioned to guide clients through the increasingly sophisticated web of federal and state issues affecting the energy industry. With a network of connections at the highest levels of government and an intimate understanding of how the energy industry works, our team is prepared to deliver the unique form of representation that this dynamic industry demands. Blank Rome’s team has worked on behalf of both traditional oil and gas interests as well as renewable energy companies.
Blank Rome has experience with energy production tax credits, Sec. 1603 grants, alternative fuels, and other government incentives. Blank Rome’s experience also extends to greenhouse gas emission regulations, electric industry restructuring, approvals and financing of generation projects, and wholesale and retail energy market issues including regional transmission organization issues.
Our energy team maintains close working relationships with key policymakers at the federal and state levels. Governors, state public utility commissioners, Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioners, Members of Congress, and senior officials at the Departments of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and Homeland Security are all part of the universe of contacts that we can call upon to assist our energy clients.
On the state level, Blank Rome represents client interests in natural gas exploration, hydraulic fracturing, and the resolution of related regulatory issues. On a federal level, we have particular strength on issues surrounding renewable energy, offshore wind, and transportation (including LNG). We have represented major renewable energy firms, numerous transportation companies, and shale oil and gas exploration, production, and mid-stream companies
With ongoing corporate tax reform, Blank Rome's tax policy group can help energy companies, public utilities, and independent power companies navigate the halls of Congress and the many legislative and regulatory issues that impact the taxes of energy industry stakeholders. Our bipartisan team can work with the House and the Senate, as well as the Administration to promote tax reform that improves your bottom line.