With in-depth knowledge of the issues, Blank Rome helps our clients understand the legislative process and the implications of regulatory developments that affect their industries. We provide strategic advice regarding the political and regulatory climate for their particular industries including emerging issues, proposed regulations and changes, rulemaking, and corporate compliance. We work hand-in-hand to design strategies that allow our clients to directly participate in the legislative process to effectively address their issues with the federal, state and local governments.
Blank Rome's team of government affairs professionals is comprised of top lobbying and communications professionals who are subject matter experts and have in-depth knowledge of the issues affecting our clients' industries. Through our extensive network of contacts, we are able to reach Members of Congress, the Administration, independent regulatory agencies, and their staffs.
From our team's previous government service, we have first-hand knowledge of the legislative and administrative process and how to navigate the complex issues that cut across all branches of federal, state, and local governments. We are able to advance provisions at each phase of the legislative process, including in the critical, private informal negotiations that take place at each stage providing complete legislative support. We serve our clients as communicators, strategists, issue managers, persuaders, and advocates to advance our clients' interests and objectives.